Hello & anneohaseyong!!
Ok2...atin excited gler nk story cerita kt korg smua...miss blog y agak bsawang nie...hihi..
nanti atin edit len...
seriusly atin miss my beloved ORANG LANGKAWI sangat2...wahai orang2 smua...sya rindu anda semua...
Last week atin g kL HABAQ mai nie...just abaout 3D 2N in shah alam..Atin g dengan che wan, aisya, & wawa...Kitaorg tdo at umah kak aisya...she's havoc n happening like alwys just i know her...she teat us very well...glad to know her...
Well...this is the second time atin g kL...
Starting day kitaorg g ari jumaat...ptg 2 ktorg naek bus dari melaka central then straight to seksyen 7..then aisya's sis pick us up with her bOyfie'..
aT nite we're all havin' dinner at Ani Sup Utara...
then we head up to i-city....Say i think aisya woud be so delighted coz her boyfie came to met her...we havin' so much fun there...
The next day after breakfast ktorg g KTM naek train pas2 LRT ,tHEN monoreL...jln2 g pavilion,straight to KoMpLeks Kraf...to our main assignment,,
Akhirnye dpt jgk atin jupe owg LANGKAWI...
Dapt jupe mmber mak y slalu baek dgn atin...the best thing is the event is havoc,...
met all Complexs kraf langkawi...miss them also...
haha...(o0ps!! mfkan sye t'over suda)
k2/...xmau more story...jap2...atin akn buh gmbr2 ktorg spnjng at kL NIE YE...WAIT2.....;)
bUdak-2 cute...hehe...(credit to cHe Wan)
My 3 littLe sTooges...haha
There they are again...<3 taking picture of them...
Aisya n her Boyfie..mr.Mie...huhu
Nie la ktorg..the bombastiC guRL...haha
di dpn PAVILION!!
I don't know why people want to shopping here much...
says...that's all 4 today i guess..toodle...love all bloggers...
p/s : about the the blog contest...we didn't won anything just Mas Atiekah & Husna...
Congrats to them...chaiyok3!!