Anneohaseyong!!miss my blog so much..
maaf ye lama x update blog nie...atin skunk tengah musim exam...normal for a student that's still study ,am i right?hihi
i bet all of u also like that...;)
Just want to share a story about me ,him , and my dearly roomate ,Emi-Zah and my lovely unnie, Husna..
i'm so happy last saturday cause i'm on date with my love, Mr.S***I..
He look so different,he looked matured while driving..But the most important thing is he's still taller than me..haha
This happened on last Saturday,Mr.S***I drove all the way at 8 a.m.from K.Pilah ,He then arrived at 10 a.m. at my poli.First place ,kitaorg pegi is Jusco AEON,mC.,tEman Husna BLI BRG CKIT .tHEN Mahkota Parade ,saja window shopping n jln2, and makan kfc dlu...He really treat me well...Love u my prince..;)
bY tHE wAY, tme lepak kt c2 we wait for a while then tros kuar g Pantai Klebang..
Bukan pe...kitorg dh lama x jupe that's why best sangat 2...cian plak emi dgn husna kna temankan..hihi
Atin nie pemalu ckit owangnye...hii
With my Mr .S***I
Love him much..
Gler2 kami posing..semua nie Mr.S***I & Emi-Zah ...
Husna ,Mr. S***I, Emi-Zah depan kete dy
Mse nie kitaorg kat Pantai Klebang after minum 'TASTELESS' laici Kang...huhu
Kat JJ,AEON,Melaka..
With Emi-Zah...
Husna & emi-Zah
Me with him..
At Pantai Klebang with Husna, Emi..
Credit to my love...^_^
They cheer up the day...thanks u u too..
really appreciate 4 the day...
I love them so much...muahhh
Posing in front of The Sunset Bistro~
wITH him & Emi in front of his car...
With him again..
maaf la asyik cerita pasal dia jerr...sayang dia kot..hehe..
Hope our realationship will last forever..
ilySm..saranghaeyo oppa...ti amore..mahal na mahal kita..wo ai ni..hehe
Lama jugak kitorang kuar dari pukul 10 smpy 9 mlm..haha..
macam shift keje plak..pas2 ble blik bilik masing2 dh x study..pakat tido time blik hostel...
have so much fun for the whole day...
Doakan kami (pulun betoi la atin nie kan)
Btw maaf andai atin ada tersalah kata 0r anything else...i'm so sorry...mohon maaf ku pinta...
Gonna get ready 4 final tomorrow..i'll do my very best ..
Be the best, Lead the rest...
Assalamualaikum semua..