Anneohaseyo !¡
How are you guys today?? Fine like always i guess ツ
Maaf la banyak menaip plak malam nie..hehe..Terajin la plak, maklum la bila dah demam nie x kuar umah nie. Di malam yang dingin kt umah ada mood menaip kan . As for my earlier entry i did mentioned about my practical test tourist guide, right ? Itu pun kalau korg follow my blog la..hehe..Well, on coach kali nie kami 1 kelas bertamu di kL .This trip melibatkan kami 1 kelas seramai 24org. 15 prempuan comey , gorgeous & 7 lelaki y smart + hndsome2 ;)
Let me introduce my classmates
Here we go ,let's fly to the sky ➳ ✈
This is my all classmates ☼
With our lec.
Yang nie budak2 laki klas aten y smart2 .:)
mereka memang terbaek gler :p
With my chingu ;)
Husna sepet y comey dalam bus ..
Kami sekamsis + sekawan + sekaler
We're friends no matter what ;)
#neysazahhari #Heyna #zilahamzah
My besties, Wan maniac :p
My guardian ;)
Terserlah kegilaan kami .
Di hadapan Sultan Abdul Samad building ;)
With the tourist from Japan
Happy together at National Monument
With my beloved , wawa semput :0
I love this moment with this cuties.They are adorable friends ;)
credit to : wan
There are more picture taken there takut semua jemu la plak..seyes gambar memang banyak gler..haha
Ok guys that's all..toodle ..
xoxo ,KISS & hugs ..Love yaa.
Next entry, Wait yaa ..see yaa soon ..muahhhh