Assalamualaikum's been many day i didn't updte my blog....huhu
seriously i don't know what 2 say....
i do miss him(btw sowy ek x bley msg mlm nie,i'm out of credit)
tp npe tbe2 je dlm hti nie rse jelous ek??why do he behave like that?
Do he really love me??
Well....atin ada tbce satu ayt dlm novel kn3 n pe y dtlis mmg btul...
dy ckp `Love IS blIND..lOverS CANNOT see iT`
it do mean IT...
he said he cannot lose me==just like i'm the one can make him breath n live...
it just the word...U drive me crazy thinking of u..u're so kind...
i miss u damn npe awk ckp syg2 kt owg len....sdey la cmnie tp seyes sye xnk gtau awk...
no one can't understand me...
npe Awk wt cm2
sye under pressure skunk nie....
psl keje lg pas2 bos 2 dh la pning skit...bnci arr cmnie....
well i think this is just a short entries this time
GOOD MORNING everyone....;)
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